UPDATED on October 28, 2015
If you already bought this book prior to October 28, you can see what was updated by going to the Pastebin.com page set up for this book.
Wanna Be A Ghost On The Internet?
“This book offers up a step by step recipe for setting up a secure internet browsing system based upon Tor. It’s a list of actions to take, not a lot of backstory. I recommend this if you are interested in the nuts-and-bolts of security software selection and set-up.”
>>>You need to read this book because:
- You’ll get a computer that has dozens of ethical-hacking (AKA penetration-testing or just pentesting) apps pre-installed or quickly available including: aircrack-ng, burpsuite, hydra, john the ripper, maltego, maltego-teeth, metasploit, metasploit-framework, nmap, zaproxy, sqlmap, wireshark, and many more. See the whole listing of tools at: http://tools.kali.org/tools-listing
- You’ll get a computer that is easily encrypted and has LUKS Encryption Nuke built in. It’ll let you “nuke” your install by entering a boot password that destroys, rather than decrypts the data on your drive. Handy for emergencies.
- You’ll get a computer like the hacker ‘nachash’ is talking about when he says, “You may wish to have a setup similar to an anonymous middle box, preferably without public IPs where possible, so if your application gets rooted tor isn’t affected.” Whonix does that for you: the Whonix Gateway makes a torified connection to the Internet, while the Whonix Workstation connects to the Gateway via an isolated network.
- You’ll get Privacy. (Which is not secrecy, but rather the ability to selectively reveal yourself to the world.)
- You’ll get another kind of privacy: preventing Google, advertisers, and government agencies from knowing what you’re searching online for. <--IMPORTANT
- In short, you’ll have a bitchin secure torified virtual machine.
Other benefits are:
- You can get certified for penetration-testing on the Kali site, which could lead into a job.
- Got loud neighbors? With this box you can mess with them as you can see here: https://youtu.be/MBXYCRIMSbU
- You’ll learn how to upgrade your box from Kali- Whonix to Qubes-Whonix (this is world-class stuff):
As the Developers said:
“With Qubes-Whonix, you install Qubes as a hypervisor onto your physical host computer, and then install Whonix as two separate TemplateVMs on top of Qubes.
“From here, you are able to use the Whonix TemplateVMs to customize and create as many Whonix- Gateway ProxyVMs and Whonix-Workstation AppVMs as you’d like, for optimal privacy-enhanced compartmentalization of your digital life.”
Like it? You can get it for less than the price of a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Yum! Scroll back up and add it to the Cart, OK?
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